NSC Webapp – Command center on your browser
Situational awareness in the control room and for operators using their mobile devices.

NSC Webapp ™ is the control room user interface for the NSC3, which enables a comprehensive operational view. Observe activities on the field and communicate with team members. The system provides simplified and easy COP (common operational picture) tools. View secured video and data from multiple sources. Select the most relevant sources and always see real-time data.

NSC3 ™ multiplex Push-To-Talk and chat functionalities allow fast and efficient communication  between the control room and field teams.

The Controller User can share data with civilian personnel and government agencies in a fast and secure manner.

The Controller User can playback data for After-Action Review (AAR) and analysis. Manage device and flight logs (FAA and EASA requirements).

System requirements:

Browser Interface (Chrome, Firefox, MS Edge)

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