NSC IOT – Elevate the connectivity
Connect cameras and sensors to NSC3 Platform™ to stream any video and data with minimal hardware requirements for variety of devices.

NSC IoT ™ client connects multiple camera sources (USB, Network (IP), digital/analog) into the NSC3. The IoT client may be installed, for example, onto a vehicle computer. That would enable live video transfer from a connected camera as well as audio or location data. NSC IoT is vendor-agnostic and works on just about any device.

NSC IoT ™ client has a RESTful API interface to direct and control video transfer transparently from other applications. The transfer of data is always real-time. For example, if the network is not available, the video is stored in a transfer buffer. Then it is cleared onto the server when sufficient bandwidth is available.

NSC IoT ™ client can be integrated with external Command and Control (C2) and Computer-Aided Dispatch (CAD) systems. Hardware embedded solutions are available and models to integrate NSC IoT™ to customers ‘ current network routing solutions. Assign a task from the C2 system and transfer all your data to this task.

All transmitted data is encrypted end-to-end using AES 256 and TLS 1.3.

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