NSC Drone
NSC Drone ™ is a UAV client for airborne operations and flight control for your phone or tablet. Excellent control and usability for the pilot with all the necessary information for operational and situational awareness.

NSC Drone ™ client replaces the control software of the drone manufacturer. Therefore you have full control of the operational and situational data inside your organization. All transmitted data is end-to-end encrypted using AES 256 and TLS 1.3.

The mission control and operational team have several options for communicating with the drone operator. For example, dynamic map with Common Operational Picture tools (COP), voice channel, and chat.

NSC Drone ™ combines the tools for flying the drone as well as the operation of its camera, sensors, and auxiliary instruments. This gives the operator and mission control the possibility to view, for example, the thermal camera video in real-time or use a loudspeaker for crowd control, even in poor or changing network conditions.

Read more about Modirum

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